Category / Furniture Showroom
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Furniture Showroom
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Bakery Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Bakery Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Studio
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Writer Studio
Category / Studio
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Cafe Cinnamon
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Contents House
Work / Interior, Remodeling, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Bowl The Haus
Category / Contents House
Work / Interior, Remodeling, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Brunch Cafe rrroh
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Angel-in-us L7 (LOTTE GRS)
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
K’s Han-shin APT
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Tong Tong
Petit Hotel
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Academy
Work / Interior Manual
Category / Academy
Work / Interior Manual
Category / Italian Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
'F' Restaurant
Category / Italian Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Identity, Logo, Poster, Application, Signage, Photo
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Identity, Logo, Poster, Application, Signage, Photo
Category / Life Style Shop
Work / Identity, Logo, Application, Web
y snt-
Category / Life Style Shop
Work / Identity, Logo, Application, Web
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Brunch cafe rrroh
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Hotel & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Tong Tong
Petit Hotel & Cafe
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Hotel & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Academy & Office & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office documents, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Green Korean
Language School
Category / Academy & Office & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office documents, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Office
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office application, Signage, Photo
Design Studio Fab
Category / Office
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office application, Signage, Photo
Category / Pension
Work / Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Signage, Photo
You and You Jeju
Category / Pension
Work / Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Signage, Photo
Category / Hostel (Lounge, Bunk room)
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Hostel application, Signage, Photo
Hostel Haru
Category / Hostel (Lounge, Bunk room)
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Hostel application, Signage, Photo
Category / Guest House & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Guesthouse & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Guest House & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Guesthouse & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Dessert Cafe
Work / Logo, Package, Signage
Category / Dessert Cafe
Work / Logo, Package, Signage
T +82 2 353 6317 / F +82 2 335 6318
서울특별시 마포구 성암로15길 53 4층
4F, 53, Seongam-ro 15-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
Category / Furniture Showroom
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Furniture Showroom
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Bakery Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Bakery Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Studio
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Writer Studio
Category / Studio
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Cafe Cinnamon
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Contents House
Work / Interior, Remodeling, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Bowl The Haus
Category / Contents House
Work / Interior, Remodeling, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Brunch Cafe rrroh
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Angel-in-us L7 (LOTTE GRS)
Category / Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
K’s Han-shin APT
Category / Apartment remodeling
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Tong Tong
Petit Hotel
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling, Branding
Category / Academy
Work / Interior Manual
Category / Academy
Work / Interior Manual
Category / Italian Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
'F' Restaurant
Category / Italian Restaurant
Work / Interior, Furniture, Styling
공간과 브랜드의 상관성에 대해, 공간과 유저 니즈(USER NEEDS)의 일치를 위해 깊이 탐구합니다.
세심한 사이트 분석과 클라이언트의 니즈 분석을 기본 바탕으로 하여 ‘사람’에 기초한 세밀한 설계, 탄탄하고 꼼꼼한 시공으로 완성도 높은 공간을 기획합니다. 더 나아가 업종과 타겟의 상관관계를 분석하여 트랜드에 맞는 브랜딩을 기획하며 사인에이지, 출력물, 영상, 패키지, 홈페이지 등 브랜드에 관련된 그래픽 디자인 전반을 총괄 진행하여 브랜드를 창조합니다. 더불어 다양한 공간 설계와 시공 경험을 통해 오래되고 낡은 것의 문제점을 파악하는데 노하우가 있으며, 낡은 공간에 복합적인 디자인 요소를 더해 새로운 공간으로 탈바꿈할 수 있도록 제안합니다.
STUDIO FAB explores the relationship between space and brand, and matches space and user needs. We plan a high quality space with detailed design and construction based on 'people'. (based on specific user needs & site analysis) Further analyzes the correlation between business and the target to plan branding for the trend, and organizes the overall graphic design involved to create a brand. (Logo, Signage, Printout, Video, Package, Web, etc.) We also have know-how in understanding the problems of old buildings through various space design and construction experiences. Leverage this know-how to add complex design elements to the old space, suggesting that it can transform itself into a new space.
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Identity, Logo, Poster, Application, Signage, Photo
Category / Macau Restaurant
Work / Identity, Logo, Poster, Application, Signage, Photo
Category / Life Style Shop
Work / Identity, Logo, Application, Web
y snt-
Category / Life Style Shop
Work / Identity, Logo, Application, Web
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Brunch cafe rrroh
Category / Bistro & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Hotel & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Tong Tong
Petit Hotel & Cafe
Category / Hotel & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Hotel & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Academy & Office & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office documents, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Green Korean
Language School
Category / Academy & Office & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office documents, Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Office
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office application, Signage, Photo
Design Studio Fab
Category / Office
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Office application, Signage, Photo
Category / Pension
Work / Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Signage, Photo
You and You Jeju
Category / Pension
Work / Logo, Printing, Homepage, Coordination, Signage, Photo
Category / Hostel (Lounge, Bunk room)
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Hostel application, Signage, Photo
Hostel Haru
Category / Hostel (Lounge, Bunk room)
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Hostel application, Signage, Photo
Category / Guest House & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Guesthouse & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Guest House & Cafe
Work / Identity, Logo, Printing, Homepage, Guesthouse & Cafe application, Signage, Photo
Category / Dessert Cafe
Work / Logo, Package, Signage
Category / Dessert Cafe
Work / Logo, Package, Signage
STUDIO FAB / (주) 스튜디오파브
T +82 2 353 6317 / F +82 2 335 6318 / E-MAIL :
서울특별시 마포구 성암로15길 53 (상암동) 4층 / 4F, 53, Seongam-ro 15-gil, Mapo-gu, Seoul
INSTAGRAM - @designstudio_fab / / @stuiodfab.branding